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[Xen-devel] Re: [Bochs-developers] [Patch] [BIOS] support BCV for rombio

To: Sebastian Herbszt <herbszt@xxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] Re: [Bochs-developers] [Patch] [BIOS] support BCV for rombios
From: Akio Takebe <takebe_akio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 15:17:50 +0900
Cc: bochs-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Sebastian Herbszt wrote:
Akio Takebe wrote:

+   /* jump to BCV function entry pointer */
+   mov  bp, sp   ;; Call ROM BCV routine using seg:off on stack
+   db   0xff     ;; call_far ss:[bp+0]
+   db   0x5e
+   db   0
+   cli           ;; In case expansion ROM BIOS turns IF on
+   add  sp, #2   ;; Pop offset value
+   pop  cx       ;; Pop seg value (restore CX)
+   ja   no_bev
ja? not jmp?

Oops. yes jmp.
Can you please resend a fixed version?


Sorry, and thank you for your review. I updeted our patch.

Signed-off-by: Akio Takebe <takebe_akio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Kouya Shimura <kouya@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best Regards,

Akio Takebe
Index: bios/rombios.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/bochs/bochs/bios/rombios.c,v
retrieving revision 1.222
diff -u -r1.222 rombios.c
--- bios/rombios.c      15 Dec 2008 06:05:52 -0000      1.222
+++ bios/rombios.c      18 Dec 2008 06:15:52 -0000
@@ -10251,6 +10251,30 @@
   mov  ax, 2[bx]
   cmp  ax, #0x506e
   jne  no_bev
+  mov  ax, 0x16[bx] ;; 0x16 is the offset of Boot Connection Vector
+  cmp  ax, #0x0000
+  je   no_bcv
+  ;; Option ROM has BCV. Run it now.
+  push cx       ;; Push seg
+  push ax       ;; Push offset
+  ;; Point ES:DI at "$PnP", which tells the ROM that we are a PnP BIOS.
+  mov  bx, #0xf000
+  mov  es, bx
+  lea  di, pnp_string
+  /* jump to BCV function entry pointer */
+  mov  bp, sp   ;; Call ROM BCV routine using seg:off on stack
+  db   0xff     ;; call_far ss:[bp+0]
+  db   0x5e
+  db   0
+  cli           ;; In case expansion ROM BIOS turns IF on
+  add  sp, #2   ;; Pop offset value
+  pop  cx       ;; Pop seg value (restore CX)
+  jmp   no_bev
   mov  ax, 0x1a[bx] ;; 0x1A is also the offset into the expansion header of...
   cmp  ax, #0x0000  ;; the Bootstrap Entry Vector, or zero if there is none.
   je   no_bev
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