RE: [Xen-devel] using a different MAC in netfront than theonegivenby net
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 10:46:39PM +1000, James Harper wrote:
> > > Does the driver in question (your GPLPV driver in this case) get
> > > notified when Windows wants to use an extra unicast address?
> > > it just pushes the device into promiscuous mode?
> >
> > What actually happens is that Windows sets a registry entry when NLB
> > enabled and my driver uses that to set the MAC address to something
> > other than what Dom0 says it should be. Windows then reads the MAC
> > address to see if I noticed the registry entry, and if I didn't it
> > complains and refuses to enable NLB on that interface saying that it
> > doesn't support a change of MAC address.
> Then there is only one MAC address used, rather than it being an
> additional address?
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