Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH][TOOLS] ioemu: linking fix for *BSD
On Thursday 14 August 2008 11:58:38 Ian Jackson wrote:
> Christoph Egger writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH][TOOLS] ioemu: linking fix
for *BSD"):
> > The libraries are not in system libraries but in a separate directory
> > where all the 3rd party applicatios' libraries are kept.
> Well, if you do that then you should put that directory in your
> dynamic linker configuration so that they get picked up. Or you can
> add the rpath locally by setting some appropriate variable.
> If providing an extra linker flag for the build system to use is
> excessively difficult then perhaps we should add a bit of plumbing to
> make it easier. I haven't checked to see how one would do this.
> But really, I don't think we would recommend this configuration.
> > The patch does the right thing for netbsd.
> There doesn't seem to be anything BSD specific here.
Right. It's the "ELF way". See my other mail. Sounds like you got a sort
of "culture shock". :)
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