Re: [Xen-devel] porting xen-detect ASM code into a shared library
Keir Fraser a écrit :
On 10/7/08 13:30, "Guillaume Rousse" <Guillaume.Rousse@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Many thanks, it worked. I just hope this is not an error in original
xc_cpuid_x86.c ccode (borrowed from
Can I ensure upstream cfengine maintainer about portability of this code
among various platforms and systems ?
It's gcc and x86 specific of course. Beyond that it is portable (across OSes
for example).
What's the point of #ifdef __i386__ for the %ebx register usage issue,
if whose cpuid function is x86-only ? Or is it actually a way to
distinguish between gcc and other compilers ?
And are they alternative for non-i386 arches ?
Guillaume Rousse
Moyens Informatiques - INRIA Futurs
Tel: 01 69 35 69 62
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