Re: [Xen-devel] domU unable to release memory to dom0
> from what I understand, when a XenU exits, it frees the memory back to
the xen free pool
is this done by domain_relinquish_resources which eventually calls
> but does not automatically baloon that ram back to the Dom0.
is it done by xend then???
> look at 'xm info' - is the ram from the DomU being sent back to the
> free_memory pool?
yes its in the free pool. But it is inconsistent. It does not come back
immediately, after shuting down multiple domU, the whole chunk of it
comes under free pool at once, instead of for each termination of domU.
> if so, and you want the ram back in the Dom0, just 'xm mem-set 0 [megabytes]'
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