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Re: [Xen-devel] GPLPV Drivers 0.9.11-pre4 hang during boot - WindowsXP P

To: James Harper <james.harper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] GPLPV Drivers 0.9.11-pre4 hang during boot - WindowsXP Pro SP2
From: Wayne Gong <wayne.gong@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2008 23:15:54 +0800
Cc: Sandro Sigala <sandro@xxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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That patch appears to be to your wdf version of the code... can you give
me a summary of what the change you made is?

At a guess, the difference to the original code is that you are doing
two separate notify's, and a KeMemoryBarrier after each. Can you tell my
why the barrier is required?

I just noticed that the for() loop will never actually do anything as
req->nr_segments is initialised to zero... that's the same in my current
code too! I wonder how long that has been a problem for? I'll change my
code to initialise nr_segments to the maximum.


Yes, as you mentioned, there are only two difference. When I meet the bug, I have no idea to deal with it. So I try several method and times to fix it. After I changed the code up to the patch as I send to you, it works fine. And till now I am not very such whether this bug has been fixed. So I this patch just a try and I cannot explain it exactly even today.
Best regards -- Wayne

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