[Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] qemu-xen: Fix PV segfault
Ian Jackson schrieb:
> Kevin Wolf writes ("[PATCH] qemu-xen: Fix PV segfault"):
>> Don't access cur_cpu with CONFIG_DM, for PV machines it is NULL.
> I'm not sure I understand the execution context here properly. Is
> this for blktap ? It would be better to make cur_cpu be set to some
> sensible value.
No, this is completely independent of blktap. Currently, PV machines
just don't have a virtual cpu in qemu - in contrary to FV machines which
call a complete pc_machine.init() during their initialization.
Maybe you're right and it would be better to assign even PV machines a
cpu, but I'm not sure what other functionality this implies to
implement. I'll try to look into this.
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