Re: [Xen-devel] NetApp vfiler example scripts
> As you see this does not exploit the OnTap interface, but uses preknown
> lun numbers. More clean for Daniel and his crew.
The OnTap interface is the SSH commandline interface you're using, right? It
does sound cleaner to avoid that; I wasn't 100% convinced by the use of that
in the Xen script as it seemed like an "unexpected" behaviour for a low lever
block script... On the other hand, presumably it makes interacting with the
filer a bit less friendly.
> But about NetApp; within Citrix, which persons do you talk to? The reply
> about Xen/NetApp that reached me didn't sound like exploiting the best
> of both worlds.
I don't know what the reply you've already seen is regarding but for the patch
in question, it seems like it would be reasonable to just submit to the
xen-devel list and request a merge. I wouldn't be surprised if there's
someone within Citrix working on NetApp integration (speculation on my part,
since I'm not strictly a Citrix/XenSource employee and generally lack inside
information) but equally well, they'd not necessarily be concerned with the
OSS version of Xen.
> > If it's valuable it would be worth looking at adding it, or something
> > like it, into the Xen tree as an additional block script. We've still
> > not exploited the ability to transparently support crazy networked block
> > devices as much as we could :-)
> Please add my iscsi script too then, I have heard it is also in Suse ;)
> I've talked with the open-iscsi developer crew about making their code
> available in a shared library. This could eventually lead to a iscsi
> 'program' instead of an iscsi script with heuristics.
Ah, I thought I'd seen an iSCSI patch whizz by on the mailing lists at some
point - hadn't realised it was also you!
Have you done any further work on this or is the original patch posting on the
2007-11-25 the most recent state of the patch? Browsing the mailing archives
I also see a script from Kurt Garloff mentioned. Do you know if it is yours
that is in SuSE or Kurt's?
It certainly seems like it'd be desirable to have these scripts in upstream
Xen where possible, especially if distros are shipping them and people want
to use them!
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