Re: [Xen-devel] First release candidate for 3.2.0
On 12/12/07 13:02, "John Levon" <levon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Is Solaris easy to grab and build, or does it need a Solaris environment?
>> Alternatively, can I grab a pre-built binary (with symbols) from somewhere?
> Hi Keir, this was a false alarm: I failed to notice that physinfo got a
> new 'out' handle and wasn't initialising it (yes, we use sysctl() in our
> kernel - for both good and bad reasons). When I fixed that I booted up.
> I'll do some more testing and report back either way.
If you tell us what you need it for (apart from the memory locking for tools
operations, which is just unfortunate, and I wonder if there is perhaps a
better way to address that problem) then perhaps we can extend platform_op()
to provide the same functionality?
At least you can interrogate CPUID(0x40000001) to find the Xen version and
hence have a kernel that is portable for both 3.1 and 3.2 sysctl
-- Keir
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