Re: [Xen-devel] possible bug on libxc ? on amd64
On Sat, 2007-12-01 at 16:25 +0100, Enrico Maniciati wrote:
> In function :
> xc_core_shdr_get(struct xc_core_section_headers *sheaders) {
> if ( sheaders->num == sheaders->num_max )
> {
> Elf64_Shdr *shdrs;
> if ( sheaders->num_max + SHDR_INC < sheaders->num_max ) <---
> in this point
sorry, good point, but this is a test against integer wrap.
> {
> errno = E2BIG;
> return NULL;
> }
> sheaders->num_max += SHDR_INC;
num max is a 16bit integer, SHDR_INC is def'd to 4.
the function allocates up to 65532 entries, then num_max wraps to zero
and it reports failure. it's probably okay like this.
> shdrs = realloc(sheaders->shdrs,
> sizeof(sheaders->shdrs[0]) *
> sheaders->num_max);
> if ( shdrs == NULL ) <<-- word wrap ??
no, this means out of memory.
> i think this are correct:
quite frankly, with the exception of variants in bracing and indentation
i don't see the difference.
> Always happy c++
> C++ are always better than other J
thanks for all the hints.
a tip in return: check out the 'diff' command (supposed you've got
cygwin or similar installed). works approximately like this:
$ cp xc_core.c xc_core.c.orig
/* .. edit xc_core.c */
$ diff xc_core.c.orig xc_core.c > xc_core.c.diff
the resulting .diff-file is what best suited to send to mailing lists in
order to suggest buf fixes or improvement to source code.
thanks and regards,
Daniel Stodden
LRR - Lehrstuhl für Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation
Institut für Informatik der TU München D-85748 Garching
http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/~stodden mailto:stodden@xxxxxxxxxx
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