Re: [Xen-devel] Switching to user mode from domU kernel
On Mon, Oct 22, 2007 at 09:12:05PM +0100, Keir Fraser wrote:
> On 22/10/07 20:52, "Trammell Hudson" <hudson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I've masked all events and the pending field in the shared_info
> > structure is zero. There are no waiting characters in the incoming
> > xen_console->in_prod array.
> Perhaps the page you think is shared_info isn't really? If Xen is calling
> you back repeatedly then it thinks events are pending.
That was it! I had misunderstood the comment in the start_info
structure in xen.h:
unsigned long shared_info; /* MACHINE address of shared info struct. */
xen_pfn_t store_mfn; /* MACHINE page number of shared page. */
I thought that the store_mfn was the machine page number for the
shared info structure and had used that as my xen_shared_info
pointer. Mapping the address pointed to by shared_info instead
makes it work perfectly.
Now my kernel transfers into the user code and faults as expected.
Thank you!
-- Trammell
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