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Re: [Xen-devel] about development environment for customizing

To: Atsushi SAKAI <sakaia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] about development environment for customizing
From: Ryo Kanbayashi <kanbayashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 18:06:04 +0900
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Oh sorry,  it's just as you says :-)
Thanks Mr. Sakai.

Though I can't describe real details because my work is research, Rough describes I want to do is below
-add additional faunction code to codes around memory access, various IO 
access, generating interrupt and modyfying register values.
So, I want to use the following functional capabilities

- resume with snapshot like VMWARE
- watching values of memory and registers.
- connecting to serial port of the environment for kernel debugger
- comfot to use. For example, a environment which runs two ore three times slower than real machine can't be introduced
That's all.
I hope comming of advice from anyone :-)


**************************************** HPCS lab
4th grade student of Colledge of Information Science, University of Tsukuba

Ryo Kanbayashi

Atsushi SAKAI wrote:

At first, you shoud describe more detail which functionality you plan to develop.
At this moment, your description is vague and no one can comment on you.

Atsushi SAKAI

Ryo Kanbayashi <kanbayashi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm Ryo at Tsukuba University in Japan

I'm thinking about customizing xen for research. so I find for appropriate 
development environment for debugging.

Which environment should be used?

Using VMWare? Xen? Qemu? Bochs? real machine?

If anyone has nice idea or method already using , please tell me about it :-)


#please forgive my poor english :-)

**************************************** HPCS lab
4th grade student of Colledge of Information Science, University of Tsukuba

Ryo Kanbayashi

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