Re: [Xen-devel] Loading ACM policy in XSM
xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 08/27/2007
04:00:14 AM:
> Hi,
> I have a problem about ACM module(hg.15730)
> I want to label Domain-0.
> I read xen user's manual v3.0 and "man xm" information.
> ACM document mentions how to label Domain-0.
> But I couldn't add the label when I tried the following steps.
> (test1)
> #xm makepolicy example.client_v1
> #xm cfgbootpolicy example.client_v1
> #reboot
> (test2)
> #xm setpolicy ACM example.client_v1
> #xm activatepolicy --boot
> (result)
> [root@bx607 ~]# xm list --label
> Name ID Mem VCPUs
State Time(s) Label
> Domain-0 0 1024 4
r----- 105.1 unlabeled
> So,I tried to use "xm addlabel" command.
> #xm makepolicy example.client_v1
> #xm addlabel dom_SystemManagement mgt Domain-0 example.client_v1
> But I couldn't again.
> Is there any good idea ?
Is there an ssidref=... in the 'kernel' line in the
grub title you are booting? Can you send this line and remove the ssidref=...
and try again?
Otherwise if this is not the case, can you send the
content of 'xm dmesg'?
> Thanks,
> Syunsuke HAYASHI
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