Re: [Xen-devel] Netback & NetFront Driver
At 16:12 08/07/2007, TEJ wrote:
On 7/8/07, TEJ <tejparkash.d@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 7/8/07, Mats Petersson <mats@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> At 08:03 2007-07-08, you wrote:
> >hi
> >
> >i am new to the xen development list. I am just curious about the
> >networking architecture of the XEN.
> >
> >there are two separate things i have read.
> >
> >first is the Network driver architecture is a spilt driver (Netfront
> >and NetBack)...
> >Second is while domu is coming up it creates the virtual interfaces
> >like (vif<id>.0 <--> (v)eth0).
> >
> >I am unable to relate these two concept. As far as my understanding
> >say that, for all the (v)eth0, eth1, eth2 interface in domu is managed
> >by Netfront Driver. So IP layer in domu talks to Netfront Driver and
> >uses one of the veth and then pass packet through that channel i.e.
> >corresponding vif through hypervisor.
> That is correct - the packet is sent by netfront (acting on behalf of
> "eth%d" in DomU) to netback.
> >All the vif<id>.x interfaces in the dom0 will be managed by NetBack
> >Driver. Since all the vif's are grouped with bridge which actaully
> >forward the packet to the actual driver of correspinding vif
> >interface.
> The netback receives the packet from the frontend driver, and passes
> it to the listener for "vif%d.%d". This ends up in the bridge (or
> route) component, which forwards the packet to the correct hardware
> port. This part is no different from the normal bridge/route
> behaviour (taking a network packet on one device and sending it out
> on the other device, e.g. linking eth0 to eth1 - of course, when
> doing this, usually there are rules about which packets go where,
> e.g. for routing, you only send packets intended for the other
> network across).
just i am curious to know that why it there is like IP forwarding and
MAC forwarding. because as i understand, MAC forwarding is sufficient
to forward the packet. and it is performance hit if the IP forwarding
is implemented in the DOMU.
Can you give a link to the page saying this - or some other
reference to what you're on about, since I don't quite know what you
mean (and I may not be able to answer the question, but with a link
I may understand it better and determine if I actually do know how
it works or not).
thanks for your confirmation Mat,
> --
> Mats
> >I just want somebody confirmation on that or somebody want to add
> >something over this will be helpful to me
> >
> >i have attached one doc if some is interested can through some
light on that..
> >
> >i am sorry if it is totally a crap.
> >
> >thanks
> >TEJ
> >
> >
> >Content-Type: application/msword; name=networking.doc
> >X-Attachment-Id: f_f3v6ewmc
> >Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="networking.doc"
> >
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