Re: [Xen-devel] blktap failure after 14895:800aa9f5cec9 (moves /dev/xen/
On 2/5/07 03:48, "Brendan Cully" <brendan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't know why I'm the only one to see this, but blktap hasn't been
> working for me since 14895:800aa9f5cec9. Opening /var/run/tap/blktap0
> fails. I think this is because the kernel defines BLKTAP_DEV_DIR as
> /dev/xen in drivers/xen/blktap/blktap.c, but in that changeset the
> tools define it as /var/run/tap in tools/blktap/lib/blktaplib.h.
> Reverting the change to blktaplib.h gives me blktap devices
> again. Reads and writes don't seem to make any progress. I'll keep
> investigating, but any clues would be welcome.
More likely it's simply because /var/run/tap/ doesn't exist?
Either some startup script needs to 'mkdir -p', or blktapctrl needs to make
the directory on demand.
-- Keir
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