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[Xen-devel] Disk IO using QEMU

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-devel] Disk IO using QEMU
From: Alkesh Shah <salkesh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 00:18:14 -0400
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I am trying to understand how Disk I/O actually works in HVM. From what I understand, whenever a disk i/o takes place in a guest OS, a VMEXIT occurs. The hypervisor than executes some handler, which sets up an event pending bit for the event channel communicating with the QEMU-DM in the Domain 0. QEMU-DM than emulates these I/O instructions.
Specifically, I wanted to know -
1. The functions that are called in this process.... or the files that I need to look at in order to understand the exact flow. 2. Since, QEMU-DM handles both the display as well as the disk I/O, is the same event channel port used for communication between hypervisor and qemu-dm for both display and disk i/o?
Thank you for you help.

Alkesh Shah

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