[Xen-devel] question about running vm change its mem maxsize
I read the code of xc_linux_build() and xc_domain_setmaxmem(),and I am
confused about how does "xm mem-max" change the max size of mem for
a running VM
In xc_domain_setmaxmem() ,the XEN_DOMCTL_max_mem has been called ,and
just does "d->max_pages = new_max;"
while in the xc_linux_build(), before the vm boots up,the maxsize pfn
is alloced in an array with fixsize, page_array = malloc(nr_pages *
sizeof(unsigned long))
then how does a running vm changes its mem maxsize ,especially for
expanding its mem maxsize?
I am confused about it
could you help me
Thanks in advance
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