Yeah, the wiki page you refer to in a later message is incorrect, but I
think that the major thing wrong with it is the xenstore-write commands.
(At the moment I don't have time to check whether the skeleton driver
code is correct, and I can't remember if I had to tweak it when I went
through what you're going through.)
Here's 4 xenstore-write commands that should get a probe out of the device:
xenstore-write /local/domain/5/device/mydevice/0/state 1
xenstore-write /local/domain/0/backend/mydevice/5/0/frontend-id 5
xenstore-write /local/domain/0/backend/mydevice/5/0/frontend
xenstore-write /local/domain/0/backend/mydevice/5/0/state 1
Quick note: That will only work once per boot, because once the driver
is probed with frontend-id 5 the xenbus code seems to be smart enough to
not do it again. If you need to make another probe happen during the
same boot, just increment the 5 all around. I hope this helps.
Jian Wang <> wrote:
Can anyone please tell me how to get ".probe" function in "struct
xenbus_driver" called?
I want to do one simple test of event channel communication between
peer modules of
domU and dom0.
I wrote one backend and one frontend driver (I tried registered as
misc/blk/input device) where I put in all my xenbus routines, but
cannot get .probe called after insmod my module, I have put
one week's time to try to find the answer, failed.
Thanks a lot!
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