RE: [Xen-devel] 2.6.18 kernel status
> How about making your staging tree publically viewable so people get
> better
> visibility into whether patches sent to xen-devel have been picked up
> and
> integrated into the tree ? Sure, we don't want people to be actually
> working
> against a staging tree, but I think being able to see what's coming
> along
> in the staging tree would be good for transparency / communications
> the non-XenSource people whom are posting patches.
The staging tree is not widely advertised as most folk are much better
off using the post-RT'ed tree. The location has been posted on this list
several times, you must just have missed it: Just add 'staging' as a
directory name to the URL. If you want to know about commits just
subscribe to the RSS feed [it currently looks like there are well over
100 people who do this]
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