Re: [Xen-devel] PAE guest address maps?
Randy Thelen wrote:
Folks --
I'm looking through a PAE guest's address map and I'm trying to
make sense out of it. Is there some documentation about these
address regions:
I meant to annotate the following table a bit more:
0xc0000000 - 0xc0800000: 8MB <-- My kernel
0xfde00000 - 0xfde04000: 16KB <-- pfn to mfn ptes
0xfdfac000 - 0xfdfae000: 8KB NOT READABLE
0xfdfb4000 - 0xfdfc0000: 48KB NOT READABLE
0xfdfe4000 - 0xfdfe6000: 8KB NOT READABLE
0xfdfec000 - 0xfdff0000: 16KB <-- ???
0xfdff4000 - 0xfe000000: 48KB NOT READABLE
For example, the second entry (that which I think is the pfn to mfn
(gdb) x/32x xen_phys_machine
0xc028c000: 0x000d16ee 0x000d160e
0xc028c008: 0x000d161b 0x000d161e
0xc028c010: 0x000d1620 0x000fb1fa
0xc028c018: 0x000d1603 0x000d1604
(gdb) x/32g 0xfde00000
0xfde00000: 0x00000000d16ee023 0x00000000d160e023
0xfde00010: 0x00000000d161b023 0x00000000d161e023
0xfde00020: 0x00000000d1620023 0x00000000fb1fa023
0xfde00030: 0x00000000d1603023 0x00000000d1604023
The third (readable) entry appears to be the recursive page table
mapping region:
# ./xenctrl 1 -l3 0xfb046 dump 0xfdfec000 16384
0xfdfec000: -- page of zeros -- Address space 0x0 - 0x4000.0000
0xfdfed000: -- page of zeros -- Address space 0x4 - 0x8000.0000
0xfdfee000: -- page of zeros -- Address space 0x8 - 0xC000.0000
Following are the entries for my kernel's Level 2 Page Directory pages
0xfdfef000: 0xfb041067 0x00000000 0xfb040067 0x00000000
0xfdfef010: 0xfb03f067 0x00000000 0xfb03e067 0x00000000
I.e.: (gdb) x/4x xen_start_info->pt_base
0xc03bb000: 0x00000000fb045001 0x00000000fb044001
0xc03bb010: 0x00000000fb043001 0x00000000fb042001
Below are two page entries to something I can't read:
0xfdfefd60: 0xfbc000e1 0x00000000 0xfba000e1 0x00000000
Below are mappings to: ???
0xfdfefda0: 0x018001e3 0x00000000 0x01a001e3 0x00000000
0xfdfefdb0: 0x01c001e3 0x00000000 0x01e001e3 0x00000000
0xfdfefdc0: 0x020001e3 0x00000000 0x022001e3 0x00000000
0xfdfefdd0: 0x024001e3 0x00000000 0x026001e3 0x00000000
0xfdfefde0: 0x028001e3 0x00000000 0x02a001e3 0x00000000
0xfdfefdf0: 0x02c001e3 0x00000000 0x02e001e3 0x00000000
Below are mappings to the same region above (that I can't read):
0xfdfeff20: 0xfbc001e3 0x00000000 0xfba001e3 0x00000000
Again, more mappings to my page directories:
0xfdfeff60: 0xfb045063 0x00000000 0xfb044063 0x00000000
0xfdfeff70: 0xfb043063 0x00000000 0xfb042063 0x00000000
Mappings to something, but I know not what:
0xfdfeffa0: 0x00224063 0x00000000 0x00225063 0x00000000
0xfdfeffb0: 0x00226063 0x00000000 0x00227063 0x00000000
0xfdfeffc0: 0x00211063 0x00000000 0x00212063 0x00000000
0xfdfeffd0: 0x00213063 0x00000000 0x00214063 0x00000000
0xfdfeffe0: 0x00215063 0x00000000 0x00216063 0x00000000
0xfdfefff0: 0x00217063 0x00000000 0x00bfe063 0x00000000
But, I'm looking for specific documentation regarding these regions.
-- Randy
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