RE: [Xen-devel] 3.0.3 freeze
> > All bug fixing is going on in the unstable tree: there has been no
> > fork. I'm now done with major refactorings (domctl/sysctl
> on Friday;
> > shadow2->shadow today). I wanted those in before 3.0.3 because,
> > although large, they are unlikely to break anything,
> Huh ? libvirt uses dom0 syscalls. And libvirt uses its own
> code to do it since the existing libraries for dom0 calls are
> GPL'ed which would not be compatible with libvirt own
> licencing (LGPL). The headers used by libvirt are simply
> removed, the ioctl entry points are changed, etc ... You
> really expected that to 'not break anything' ?
We were only thinking in terms of the internal consistency of the tree
and the public APIs and libraries -- I didn't realise libvirt was going
directly at the dom0_op ABI rather than using the libxenguest or
libxenctrl libraries.
If your reason for doing this was just the GPL'ness of the libraries
then I assume you'd support the email I posted a few weeks ago
suggesting we try to change the library license to LGPL? Would you then
start using the libraries?
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