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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Update new qemu-dm to spawn vncviewer

To: "Donald D. Dugger" <donald.d.dugger@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Update new qemu-dm to spawn vncviewer
From: "Christian Limpach" <christian.limpach@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 19:03:46 +0100
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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On 7/13/06, Donald D. Dugger <donald.d.dugger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This patch does 3 things to the new device model, qemu-dm:

1)  Add `vncviewer' as an option to `qemu-dm' to spawn a `vncviewer' process.

2)  Have the `vncviewer' config parameter translate to the `vncviewer' flag to

3)  Add a new config parameter, `vncconnect', that spawns a `vncviewer'
process that looks for a reverse connection (the way the `vncviewer'
config option currently works)

Signed-off-by: Don Dugger <donald.d.dugger@xxxxxxxxx>
Thanks, I've checked this in with the following changes:
- support xvncviewer, xvnc4viewer and xtightvncviewer (all support
:DISPLAY, only two support :PORTNO, only one supports -log)
- use vncconsole config option instead of vncviewer option, leaving
the existing vncviewer option as is
- don't abuse the command line to pass the option to xend but pass it
along all other options
- don't add vnc specific code to qemu's vl.c but put it in vnc.c instead
- don't handle/pass vncviewer config option for hvm guests any longer
in/to xend -- it should be handled inside the guest

We'll want to make the vncconsole option also work with the
framebuffer for PV guests.  It then makes sense to have both in that
case -- vncviewer gets you a vncviewer to a vnc server running in the
guest, vncconsole gets you a vncviewer to the vnc server rendering the
guest's framebuffer.


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