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[Xen-devel] Daily Xen-HVM Build Testing: cs10671

To: Xen Developers <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] Daily Xen-HVM Build Testing: cs10671
From: Rick Gonzalez <rcgneo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:49:07 -0500
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changeset:   10671:b20580cf7fc1
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user:        kfraser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
date:        Wed Jul 12 10:34:39 2006 +0100
summary:     Revert c/s 10651: "prevent double uuid use". Breaks localhost

Hardware:  x460

******************** x86_32(no PAE): ***************************

* dom0: SLES9 SP2
* dom0 boots fine
* xend starts without problem

--- Linux HVM domain status: ---

* Xm-test completes.
* Able to boot multiple HVM domains


* 2 fails on xm-test.


Xm-test execution summary:
  PASS:  69
  FAIL:  2
  XPASS: 2
  XFAIL: 1


 FAIL: 16_create_smallmem_neg
         Starting a console with 16 MB passed, expected test to fail

XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos
ping loopback failed for size 65507. ping eth0 failed for size 65507.

--- Windows HVM domain status: ---

* I'll get to testing the other Windowns OS when I automate the test cases.

|    Test    |            OS         |
| Category   |-----------------------|
|            | Win2k| Win2k3 | WinXP |
| Boot       |      |        | pass  |
| Networking |      |        | pass  |
| Graphics   |      |        | pass  |
| Disk I/O   |      |        | pass  |



********************** x86_64: *********************************

* dom0: SLES9 SP2
* dom0 boots fine
* xend starts without problems

--- Linux HVM domain status: ---

* Xm-test completes
* There are many errors


* 22 xm-tests failing
* Opened defect #694

- Output file shows that tests are failing for the following reason:

  raise ConsoleError("Timed out waiting for console prompt")


Xm-test execution summary:
   PASS:  49
   FAIL:  22
   XPASS: 0
   XFAIL: 3


  FAIL: 01_create_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 11_create_concurrent_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 12_create_concurrent_stress_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 13_create_multinic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 14_create_blockroot_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 15_create_smallmem_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 01_destroy_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 07_destroy_stale_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 04_list_goodparm_pos
         Unknown reason

XFAIL: 02_network_local_ping_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 03_network_local_tcp_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 04_network_local_udp_pos
         Unknown reason

XFAIL: 05_network_dom0_ping_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 06_network_dom0_tcp_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 07_network_dom0_udp_pos
         Unknown reason

XFAIL: 11_network_domU_ping_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 12_network_domU_tcp_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 13_network_domU_udp_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 01_pause_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 01_reboot_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 01_shutdown_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

  FAIL: 01_unpause_basic_pos
         Unknown reason

--- Windows HVM domain status: ---

|    Test    |            OS         |
| Category   |-----------------------|
|            | Win2k| Win2k3 | WinXP |
| Boot       |      |        | fail  |
| Networking |      |        | n/a   |
| Graphics   |      |        | n/a   |
| Disk I/O   |      |        | n/a   |
| Xen        |      |        | n/a   |


* Windows XP not booting.
* Khoa found problem to be cpu affinity related


XEN dmesg output:

(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 0000000000100000 - 000000001FFFE000 (RAM)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 000000001FFFE000 - 000000001FFFF000 (Type 18)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 000000001FFFF000 - 0000000020000000 (Type 17)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 0000000020000000 - 0000000020003000 (ACPI NVS)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 0000000020003000 - 000000002000D000 (ACPI Data)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) 00000000FEC00000 - 0000000100000000 (Type 16)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Start BIOS ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Starting emulated 16-bit real-mode: ip=F000:FFF0
(XEN) (GUEST: 2)  rombios.c,v 1.138 2005/05/07 15:55:26 vruppert Exp $
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Remapping master: ICW2 0x8 -> 0x20
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Remapping slave: ICW2 0x70 -> 0x28
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) VGABios $Id: vgabios.c,v 1.61 2005/05/24 16:50:50 vruppert Exp $ (XEN) (GUEST: 2) HVMAssist BIOS, 1 cpu, $Revision: 1.138 $ $Date: 2005/05/07 15:55:26 $
(XEN) (GUEST: 2)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) ata0-0: PCHS=16383/16/63 translation=lba LCHS=1024/255/63
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) ata0 master: QEMU HARDDISK ATA-2 Hard-Disk (8192 MBytes)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) ata0  slave: Unknown device
(XEN) (GUEST: 2)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Booting from Hard Disk...
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) should never reach here in function address():
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) entry=0x0000000000000000, mode=1, seg=0x000022F2, offset=0x000014F8
(XEN) (GUEST: 2)
(XEN) (GUEST: 2) Halt called from %eip 0xD39C7

NOTE: Contact me if you would like to see all the output files.


Rick Gonzalez
Linux Technology Center
IBM Corporation
Phone#: 512-838-0623

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