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Re: [Xen-devel] XenStore permissions from kernel space

To: "James Pendergrass" <james.pendergrass@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] XenStore permissions from kernel space
From: NAHieu <nahieu@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 00:27:46 +0900
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Hi James,

On 6/15/06, James Pendergrass <james.pendergrass@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been working on a kernel module that shares some pages between
to domUs.
In the course of doing this I had the need to communicate information
via XenStore (e.g., the grant references),
but for a number of reasons did not want to use the full XenBus
registration/probe/hotplug...system (it is too dynamic,
and requires a kick off event from dom0 rather than allowing self
organizing shares between domUs).

I established that the only thing preventing my setup of domA writing
to a node in XenStore and domB reading it
was the lack of the xs_get/set_permissions function in the kernel
level xenbus/xenstore interface.  So I ported those
functions down from the userland xenstore libraries.

You mean you want any domU to read any other domU's information
(stored in XenStore)? I doubt that is not a good idea because of
potential security problems.

Any ideas?


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