Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] 01_enforce_dom0_cpus_basic_pos reset vcpu count
* Paul Larson <pl@xxxxxxxxxx> [2006-05-23 14:33]:
> If 01_enforce_dom0_cpus_basic_pos fails, the vcpu count for dom0 does not get
> restored causing subsequent boots to come up with only a single vcpu on dom0.
Though I've never seen this mentioned on the list, I thought we wanted
to leave the system in the failed state if a test failed? That's
certainly debatable. Thoughts?
> - num_online = int(getDomInfo("Domain-0", "VCPUs"))
> - if num_online == dom0_online_vcpus:
> - break
> - time.sleep(1)
> + num_online = int(getDomInfo("Domain-0", "VCPUs"))
> + if num_online == dom0_online_vcpus:
> + break
> + time.sleep(1)
White-space damage.
Ryan Harper
Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
(512) 838-9253 T/L: 678-9253
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