Re: [Xen-devel] 4 Processors initialized but only one in /proc/cpuinfo
ryanh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote on 05/12/2006
02:21:33 PM:
> * Stefan Berger <stefanb@xxxxxxxxxx> [2006-05-12 13:06]:
> > This is about a blade that I am using. It has 2 processors with
> > hyperthreading. I see that the Xen brings up 4 processors (xm
dmesg) and
> > I see that domain 0 initializes 4 processors (dmesg). However,
I only
> > see one processor in /proc/cpuinfo. Any (obvious) configuration
that I
> > might have done wrong on this machine?
> Try running xm vcpu-set 0 4, this should restore dom0's vcpus to 4.
This didn't help but crashed the system and after
the reboot I still only had one processor.
> The previous enforce_dom0_cpus test case didn't properly restore vcpu
> availability for dom0 and when starting xend, it may have restored
> state from xenstore to dom0.
This must have been the case. Removing the whole xenstore
file (tdb) did the trick and after a reboot I had the four processor back.
Thanks for the hint.
> --
> Ryan Harper
> Software Engineer; Linux Technology Center
> IBM Corp., Austin, Tx
> (512) 838-9253 T/L: 678-9253
> ryanh@xxxxxxxxxx
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