[Xen-devel] [PATCH] Fix loading binary images that support or require PA
(This patch supersedes the last patch sent by me, as this one includes
fixes for issues encountered beyond the initial fix
for passing PAE capabilities from a binary image.)
Loading of binary images which include a quasi-Multi-boot Spec record
is supported by Xen, but currently there not a way
to inform the loader of the PAE requirements/capabilities of the
loading image. This patch extends the flags used in the
quasi-Multi-boot Spec record to this include information, and to
process that information. It also attempts to provide a
way to specify that the binary image is a 64 bit kernel, but that was
an afterthought in this patch, so there could be things
I'm missing there.
Comments welcome. If no issues, please apply.
- Bruce Rogers
Signed-off-by: Bruce Rogers <brogers@xxxxxxxxxx>
Description: Binary data
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