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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Calculate correct instruction length for data-fa

To: "Petersson, Mats" <Mats.Petersson@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Calculate correct instruction length for data-fault VM exits on VT-x systems
From: Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:24:41 +0100
Cc: Khoa Huynh <khoa@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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On 28 Apr 2006, at 10:19, Petersson, Mats wrote:

I think passing a buffer is the best choice here. And I suppose we can
always stuff vmc[bs]->rip into regs->eip and pull it back out again when we get back - using a wrapper function may be the easiest way to achieve
this (at least short term).
Yes, I expect HVM users will want some kind of helpful wrapper around 
the core emulator. I'm trying to keep the emulator itself very generic, 
so it makes sense that some tailoring will be required in some usages.
We will of course also need to get the communication with QEMU done in
some way.
Yes, I don't imagine that is hard as long as you're prepared to copy 
the guest's register state to and from qemu-dm. Even on x8664 it's only 
a couple hundred bytes so unlikely to be a significant overhead. Then 
you can simply have a copy of the emulator inside qemu-dm.
 -- Keir

I haven't spent any time looking at it so far...

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