Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Vertualization of Unmodified Operating Systems
Dave Feustel wrote:
> On Saturday 15 April 2006 17:53, Anthony Liguori wrote:
>>On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 17:39:10 -0500, Dave Feustel wrote:
>>>AMD Pacifica and Intel's VT make possible the virtualization of unmodified
>>>operating systems. Is it still necessary to add code to the hypervisor to
>>>support specific operating systems, or can Xen, as written, support any
>>>arbitrary OS that successfully boots on a PC? (I'm thinking of the BSDs
>>This sort of thing has been addressed here before.
> I know this and I appreciate your patience. I definitely don't
> pick things up or figure things out as quickly now as I did
> when I was younger.
>>While theoritically,
>>VT and SVM ought to allow any OS to run under Xen, in practice, if an OS
>>hasn't been tested as a guest under Xen, it is likely to turn up some bugs
>>or incompleteness. Over time, this will certainly be a less of an issue.
>>The problem has to do with the fact that different OS's will use different
>>instructions when accessing things like page tables. Right now, Xen only
>>emulates the instructions that we know are used by the systems we test
>>with (things like Linux and certain versions of Windows).
> Xen and OpenBSD running under Xen are rapidly rising to the top of my list
> of things to work with as general availability of AM2-socket motherboards and
> revision F AMD64 chips approaches. Xen and hardware virtualization have been
> for a while now at the very top of the list of topics I follow in the news.
OpenBSD 3.9 works quite fine (installed using the native installer in
the virtualized environment!) as an unmodified guest on my Intel VT box,
with following caveats:
*) pcn(4) - aka AMD Pcnet does not seem to work well with the emulated
one (send works - receive does not)
*) ne(4) does work but is complaining about corrupted nic memory under
heavy traffic (does not seem to affect it much other than logging th errors)
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