RE: [Xen-devel] How to safely install Xen 3.0.2?
> I installed the Xen 3.0.2 from the source file at
> http://mirror.vmmatrix.net/Xen/ It was because the latest
> version of yum list of Fedora core 5 is Xen 3.0.1-4 and I
> could not get the rpm file form the Xensource. I read the
> README, and make dist, and .did /install.sh. However, there
> was no initrd-*xen0.img file installed into the /boot
> directory where as I could be the vmlinuz-2.6.16-xen,
> xen-3.0.gz, and xen-3.0,2.gz. I reused the
> initrd-2.6.16-1.2080_FC5xen0.img file of Xen 3.0.1-4 of FC5,
> but it failed.
You'll need to use mkinitrd to build an initrd for your distro.
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