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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] Xen Guest Kexec

To: Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [PATCH] Xen Guest Kexec
From: Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 09:35:51 +0000
Cc: Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@xxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Mark Williamson <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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On 3 Mar 2006, at 09:14, Keir Fraser wrote:

Well, the trick I described is good for at least 'non-exceptions' (i.e., it'll disable 'int x' software interrupts). For exceptions, I guess you should simply avoid causing them? :-)
In fact, why not install a dummy handler for all vectors (0-255). That 
is, a valid cs:eip that vectors to a small kexec function to print the 
state you desire? Setting flags==0 will ensure that softints don't 
work, but you can print out a useful message if you take a fault. You 
could try and put in a safe-ish place so it continues to work even for 
the early stages of the new kernel boot.
Actually a clear-trap-table call is quite easy to add: I checked in a 
patch that will clear the entire trap table if you pass a NULL pointer 
to the set_trap_table hypercall. With that patch in place, if you take 
a fault you will get a register dump in Xen as desired.
Changeset 9109:29f8c87...

 -- Keir

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