Am Montag, 30. Januar 2006 13:49 schrieb Michael Lessard:
> Hi All !
> I tried to start DomU in my Debian Sid dom0 with Xen 3 unstable-hg ... i
> received an error :
> Error: Devie o (vif) could not be conected. Hotplug scripts not working
> I have another computer with Xen 3 unstable hg and Debian Sid (who are
> updated last 2 weeks) and all working good ... So i suspect an update of a
> package on Debian who giving these error, but wich one ?
I think your question would fit better in the xen-users list then the dev
list, but neverless, I guess you have compiled xen3 with hotplug installed
and then installed udev later on (and so uninstalled hotplug automaticly) or
maybe even the other way around (build with udev, but now hotplug is used).
The xen source installs only the needed hotplug or udev scripts in /etc once
and if you later on change your system configuration you will see such a
maybe it's something other, maybe you using the wrong brige in your domains
config. in xen3 the default bridge is named xenbr0.
Also take a look at /var/log/xen-hotplug.log and maybe /var/log/xend.log.
There could be some usefully information.
At least for xen3-testing I don't see any problem with an up-to-date debian
sid in 32bit.
> Thanks
> Michael
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