RE: [Xen-devel] overwriting config files on re-install, and vif's
> They are the 8 netback-loopback interface pairs. These are used to
> connect
> dom0's virtual ethernet through a bridge (or whatever) and then out
> through
> the physical ethernet interface. 8 interfaces allows you 8 physical
> If
> you want to reduce this number, it's the parameter nloopbacks to our
> loopback
> module (see drivers/xen/netback/loopback.c. They aren't doing any
> though,
> so I'd not worry about it.
I've had a look through loopback.c and can see the code that creates
them, and the parameter that says how many to create.
Seems a bit of a waste of resources, but the thing I find annoying
though is it turns the output of 'ip link' from a few lines to a page.
But I'll live with it :)
Thanks for clearing it up.
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