Re: [Xen-devel] Documentation
Hi Nivedita,
Ok I'll get that done today or tomorrow.
Nivedita Singhvi <niv@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 12/05/2005 11:46:13 AM:
> John S Little wrote:
> > Robin,
> >
> > The only current documentation that I've found for 3.0 is located at
> > http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/documentation.html. I
> > haven't read all of it but it mostly seems to be a copy of the 2.0
> > documentation Other than that is the link that Robb pointed out below
> > regarding the outline proposal.
> Hello John,
> Thanks for volunteering to help! Much appreciated...
> If you're working with the 3.0 release and the unstable
> tree, you'll find that a lot of updates got merged by Alan
> and the Xensource team over the weekend.
> Some more stuff will be merged in the next 2 days.
> Download the current mercurial tip and look at the
> source. If you go to the docs/src tree, you will see
> the latex source. Doing a make install in the docs
> tree will generate the pdf, html, etc versions.
> I'll update the wiki at some point today (I've been
> tardy at keeping that up to date, my apologies).
> It will be a little more clear shortly what we need
> to enhance and remaining stuff to do.
> thanks,
John Little
Hendricks Regional Health IS Department
> Nivedita
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