[Xen-devel] RE: [Xen-users] xm create of a VMX fails - qemu-dm gets SIGS
"Ian Pratt" <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 12/01/2005 02:59:48 PM:
> > Thanks! The patch gets my VMX domain to start booting. Now
> > I have to figure out why it is running so
> > s-----l-----o-----w-----l-----y.
> Odd. I wander if one of the recent VT patches to change the interrupt
> service order has broken things?
> I'm sure the Intel guys will be all over this :-)
> Ian
Found the problem. The X server on my dom0 was hogging the CPU leaving
very little for the domU. I had switched to runlevel 5 so that I could get
VNC to work. I booted into run level 3 and changed the config file for the
VMX domain to use serial instead of VNC. I am now happily running tests in
the VMX domain.
Steve D.
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