[Xen-devel] xen ChangeSet 7572 test report to xen mailing list.
We have test latest xen (ChangeSet 7572) on VT platform with Intel 915 chipset
and Here is the test summary:
Build&Boot SMP xen0 without problem
Can startup unmodified 2.4/2.6 linux on VMX domain
Can startup VMX & xenU with different configuration
Can install most legacy OSD distribution from CDROM in VMX domain
Timer/IDE/NIC/VGA works fine in VMX domains (2.4/2.6)
LTP runs well in VMX domain(2.4/2.6)
XM command works fine
IA32 issues contain:
VMX works only when we add “display=':1.0'” to configuration file
Failed to install through network install
Install FC2 crashes service OS/Install SuSE Linux 10.0 may hang service
Switch VMX domain to other VCPU may hang service OS
Creating VMX domain with wrong kernel image may hang service OS.
Time (Date command) is faster in IA32 2.6 VMX than native
X color in VMX is abnormal
Build&Boot SMP xen0 without problem
Can startup unmodified 2.4/2.6 IA32 guest on VMX domain
Can startup unmodified 2.4/2.6 IA32E guest on VMX domain
Can startup VMX & xenU with different configuration
Can install RHEL4 & FC4 from CDROM in IA32 VMX domain
Timer/IDE/NIC/VGA works fine in VMX domains (2.4/2.6)
LTP runs well in VMX domain(2.4/2.6 as IA32/IA32E guest)
XM command works fine
IA32E issues contain:
VMX works only when we add “display=':1.0'” to configuration file
RHEL3U5/FC2/SLES9/SuSE 10 installation fail in IA32 VMX
Cannot install OSD in IA32E VMX.
Keyboard/mouse some time behave abnormal in 2.6 VMX.
Time (Date command) is faster in IA32 2.6 VMX than native.
Create/Destroy VMX domain for several times may hang service OS.
More detailed information Below:
Guest installation on IA32 host:
IA32 RHEL3U5 PASS (installed from cdrom, installer cannot get
dynamical ip)
IA32 RHEL4U1 PASS (installed from cdrom, installer cannot get
dynamical ip)
IA32 FC4 PASS (installed from cdrom, installer cannot get
dynamical ip)
IA32 SLES 9 PASS (installed from cdrom)
IA32 FC2 FAIL (Reboot service os)
IA32 SUSE 10 FAIL (May hang service os)
Guest installation on IA32e host:
IA32 RHEL4U1 PASS (installed from cdrom,guest installer can get
dynamical ip)
IA32 FC4 PASS (installed from cdrom,guest installer can get
dynamical ip)
IA32e rhel3u5 FAIL (Guest installer hangs after printing "Booting
the kernel" )
IA32e RHEL4U1 FAIL (vmx guest kernel panic)
IA32 RHEL3U5 FAIL (Guest installer stops in the middle of
IA32 FC2 FAIL (Reboot service os)
IA32 SLES 9 FAIL (Guest installer hangs)
IA32 SUSE 10 FAIL (May hang service os)
1. IA32 2.6 on IA32E
DM_Timer_CPU_MHZ --pass
DM_Timer_CPU_bogomips --fail -17% difference
DM_Timer_date --fail very fast than normal
DM_Timer_read_set --pass
DM_Timer_local_utc_time --pass
DM_IDE --pass
DM_IDE_physical_disk --pass
DM_NIC_netperf --pass
DM_NIC_scp --pass
DM_NIC_mount --pass
DM_keyboard --fail errors when operation
DM_mouse --fail abnormal actions
2. IA32 2.4 on IA32E
DM_Timer_CPU_MHZ --pass
DM_Timer_CPU_bogomips --fail -9% difference
DM_Timer_date --pass
DM_Timer_read_set --pass
DM_Timer_local_utc_time --pass
DM_IDE --pass
DM_NIC_netperf --pass
DM_NIC_scp --pass
DM_VGA_Xwin --pass
DM_SDL --pass
DM_VNC --pass
DM_keyboard --pass
DM_mouse --pass
3. IA32e 2.6 on IA32E host
DM_Timer_CPU_MHZ --pass - only +5%
DM_Timer_CPU_bogomips --pass
DM_Timer_date --pass
DM_Timer_read_set --pass
DM_Timer_local_utc_time --pass
DM_IDE --pass
DM_NIC_netperf --pass
DM_VGA_Xwin --pass
DM_SDL --pass
DM_SDL_VNC --pass
DM_keyboard --fail errors when operation
DM_mouse --fail abnormal actions
4. IA32 2.4 on IA32 host
DM_Timer_CPU_MHZ --pass
DM_Timer_CPU_bogomips --pass
DM_Timer_date --pass
DM_Timer_read_set --pass
DM_Timer_local_utc_time --pass
DM_NIC_netperf --pass
DM_NIC_scp --pass
DM_NIC_mount --pass
DM_IDE --pass
DM_VGA_XWIN --pass
DM_VGA_Xwin_switch --pass
Dm_VGA_Xwin_16bit_color --fail color is abnormal
DM_keyboard --pass
DM_mouse --pass
5. IA32 2.6 on IA32 host
DM_Timer_CPU_MHZ --pass
DM_Timer_CPU_bogomips --pass
DM_Timer_date --fail run faster than native.
DM_Timer_read_set --pass
DM_Timer_local_utc_time --pass
DM_NIC_netperf --pass
DM_NIC_scp --pass
DM_NIC_mount --pass
DM_IDE --pass
DM_VGA_Xwin --pass
DM_VGA_Switch --fail All red background color
DM_keyboard --Fail Unknown key pressed
DM_mouse --Fail abnormal actions
Summary Test Report of Last Session
Total Pass Fail NoResult Finish Fatal Crash
ltp 896 869 22 5 0 0 0
ltp 896 869 22 5 0 0 0
:syscalls 674 660 14 0 0 0 0
:dio 28 24 2 2 0 0 0
:mm 12 12 0 0 0 0 0
:nptl 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
:ipc 8 8 0 0 0 0 0
:commands 6 5 1 0 0 0 0
:pty 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:quickhit 118 118 0 0 0 0 0
:sched 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:fs 43 35 5 3 0 0 0
Total 896 869 22 5 0 0 0
IA32E host:
Result of IA32E image:
Summary Test Report of Last Session
Total Pass Fail NoResult Finish Fatal Crash
ltp 918 870 48 0 0 0 0
ltp 918 870 48 0 0 0 0
:syscalls 674 645 29 0 0 0 0
:dio 28 26 2 0 0 0 0
:mm 21 21 0 0 0 0 0
:nptl 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
:ipc 8 8 0 0 0 0 0
:commands 6 3 3 0 0 0 0
:pty 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:quickhit 120 119 1 0 0 0 0
:sched 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:fs 54 41 13 0 0 0 0
Total 918 870 48 0 0 0 0
Result of IA32 image:
Summary Test Report of Last Session
Total Pass Fail NoResult Finish Fatal Crash
ltp 896 827 66 2 0 0 0
ltp 896 827 66 2 0 0 0
:syscalls 674 654 19 0 0 0 0
:dio 28 24 2 2 0 0 0
:mm 12 10 2 0 0 0 0
:nptl 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
:ipc 8 8 0 0 0 0 0
:commands 6 5 1 0 0 0 0
:pty 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:quickhit 118 118 0 0 0 0 0
:sched 3 3 0 0 0 0 0
:fs 43 1 42 0 0 0 0
Total 896 827 66 2 0 0 0
IA32 host
VMX boot
2.2.1 2.6 kernel VMX boot Failed
2.2.1 2.4 kernel VMX boot Pass
2.2.1 2 VMX runs on VMM Pass
2.2.1 4 VMs runs on VMM Pass
2.2.1 Create 8 VMs (including xenU and VMX) on one processor core Pass
2.2.1 1 VMX and 1 domU can be created at the same time Pass
2.2.1 4 VMX can be created at the same time Pass
2.2.2 The maximum number of VMs per processor core will be statically
configurable at VMM start time (by IT / end user). No Test
2.2.3 The maximum number of VMs per processor core will be statically
configurable at VMM install time (by the VMM vendor / OEM). No Test
2.2.5 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 2 Failed
2.2.5 1 domU whose VCPU number is 2 Pass
2.2.6 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 3 Failed
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 3 Pass
2.2.5 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 4 Failed
2.2.5 1 domU whose VCPU number is 4 Pass
2.2.6 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 5 Failed
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 5 Pass
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 8 Pass
2.2.5 2 VMX whose VCPU is 2 Failed
2.2.5 2 domU whose VCPU is 2 Pass
2.9.2 2 CPU, single domain with single vcpu, bind CPU test Failed
2.9.2 multiple CPU, single domain with multiple vcpu, bind CPU test No test
2.9.2 multiple CPU, single domain bind other CPU test Failed
2.9.2 multiple CPU, multiple domain bind CPU test No test
2.2.10 1 VM with 256M memory test Pass
2.2.10 1 VM with 512 memory test Pass
2.2.10 2 VM with 256M memory test Pass
2.2.10 2 VM with 256M memory consuming test Pass
2.2.10 2 VM with 512M memory consuming test Failed
2.6.1 domU console Local console access for “xm create –c” Pass
2.6.1 domU console Local console access for ”xm console" Pass
2.6.1 VMX console Local console access for “xm create” Pass
2.6.1 2 domU console Local console access for “xm create –c” Pass
2.6.1 2 domU console Local console access for ”xm console" Pass
2.6.1 2 VMX console Local console access for “xm create” Pass
2.6.1 VMX remote console access for “xm create” with vnc is set to 1 failed
domain managemenet
VMX xm reboot Pass
domU xm reboot Pass
VMX xm shutdown Failed
domU xm shutdown Pass
xm create and xm destroy Pass
2.7.1 VMX xm pause/xm unpause Pass
2.7.2 domU Save/Restore: Memory address continuity Pass
2.7.2 domU Save/Restore: File descriptor continuity Pass
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: network Failed
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: Keyboard continuity Pass
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: VMX VGA display correct Pass
2.7.2 VMX save/restore Failed
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Memory address continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: File descriptor continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: network Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Device enumeration continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Keyboard continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: VGA display correct after suspend/resume Pass
IA32E host:
VMX boot
2.2.1 2.6 kernel VMX boot Pass
2.2.1 2.4 kernel VMX boot Pass
2.2.1 2 VMX runs on VMM Pass
2.2.1 4 VMX runs on VMM
2.2.1 Create 8 VMs (including xenU and VMX) on one processor core
2.2.1 1 VMX and 1 domU can be created at the same time Pass
2.2.1 4 VMX can be created at the same time
2.2.1 2.6 kernel IA32E VMX boot Failed
2.2.1 2.4 kernel IA32E VMX boot No test
2.2.1 2 IA32E VMX runs on VMM
2.2.1 4 IA32E VMs runs on VMM
2.2.1 Create 8 IA32E VMs (including xenU and VMX) on one processor core
2.2.1 1 IA32E VMX and 1 IA32E domU can be created at the same time
2.2.1 4 IA32E VMX can be created at the same time
2.2.2 The maximum number of VMs per processor core will be statically
configurable at VMM start time (by IT / end user). No Test
2.2.3 The maximum number of VMs per processor core will be statically
configurable at VMM install time (by the VMM vendor / OEM). No Test
2.2.5 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 2 Failed
2.2.5 1 domU whose VCPU number is 2 Failed
2.2.6 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 3 Failed
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 3 Failed
2.2.5 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 4 Failed
2.2.5 1 domU whose VCPU number is 4 Failed
2.2.6 1 VMX whose VCPU number is 5 Failed
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 5 Failed
2.2.6 1 domU whose VCPU number is 8 Failed
2.2.5 2 VMX whose VCPU is 2 Failed
2.2.5 2 domU whose VCPU is 2 Failed
2.9.2 2 CPU, single domain with single vcpu, bind CPU test Failed
2.9.2 multiple CPU, single domain with multiple vcpu, bind CPU test No test
2.9.2 multiple CPU, single domain bind other CPU test Failed
2.9.2 multiple CPU, multiple domain bind CPU test No test
2.2.10 1 VMX with 256M memory test Pass
2.2.10 1 VMX with 512M memory test Pass
2.2.10 2 VMX with 256M memory test Pass
2.2.10 2 VMX with 256M memory consuming test Pass
2.2.10 2 VMX with 512M memory consuming test Failed
2.2.10 1 IA32E VMX with 256M memory test
2.2.10 1 IA32E VMX with 512 memory test
2.2.10 2 IA32E VMX with 256M memory test
2.2.10 2 IA32E VMX with 256M memory consuming test
2.2.10 2 IA32E VMX with 512M memory consuming test
2.6.1 domU console Local console access for “xm create –c” Pass
2.6.1 domU console Local console access for ”xm console" Pass
2.6.1 VMX console Local console access for “xm create” Pass
2.6.1 2 domU console Local console access for “xm create –c” Pass
2.6.1 2 domU console Local console access for ”xm console" Pass
2.6.1 2 VMX console Local console access for “xm create” Pass
2.6.1 VMX remote console access for “xm create” with vnc is set to 1 Failed
2.6.1 IA32E domU console Local console access for “xm create –c” Pass
2.6.1 IA32E domU console Local console access for ”xm console" Pass
2.6.1 IA32E VMX console Local console access for “xm create”
2.6.1 2 IA32E domU console Local console access for “xm create –c”
2.6.1 2 IA32E domU console Local console access for ”xm console"
2.6.1 2 IA32E VMX console Local console access for “xm create”
2.6.1 IA32E VMX remote console access for “xm create” with vnc is set to 1
domain managemenet
VMX xm reboot Failed
domU xm reboot Pass
VMX xm shutdown Failed
domU xm shutdown Pass
xm create Pass
xm create and xm destroy Failed
2.7.1 VMX xm pause/xm unpause Pass
2.7.2 domU Save/Restore: Memory address continuity Failed
2.7.2 domU Save/Restore: File descriptor continuity Failed
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: network Failed
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: Keyboard continuity Failed
2.7.2 domU save/Restore: VMX VGA display correct Failed
2.7.2 VMX save/restore Failed
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Memory address continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: File descriptor continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: network No test
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Device enumeration continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: Keyboard continuity Pass
2.7.1 VMX pause/unpause: VGA display correct after suspend/resume Pass
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- [Xen-devel] xen ChangeSet 7572 test report to xen mailing list.,
Shi, Kuiliang <=