In the process of building a pristine Centos 4.1 dom0 I noticed that
many kernel config options are not showing up, if I copy over my saved
config they do show up.
Also got burnt by not installing ncurses-devel, maybe this could be
added to the README.
changeset: 7197:c092fbcc18c6
summary: Move setting of configuration variables to
Allows for partial-tree builds to be invoked from a sub-directory.
Allow for users to include a ".config" with additional custom settings.
I got burned before trying to decipher exactly what is needed in the xen
kernel for what.
Would it be possible to add a section to the wiki for such animals?
I personally have gone through a slew of variations including the 4K
kernel stacks hell and debug flavors. Maybe a small summary of the xen
requirements in the kernel for what functionality. This may be out their
somewhere and if it is apologies, but google didn't turn it up for me
and didn't see anything in the wiki.
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