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[Xen-devel] Multiple I/O domains?

Subject: [Xen-devel] Multiple I/O domains?
From: Rob Gardner <rob.gardner@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 15:54:00 -0600
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I'd like to set up a xen system with mutliple I/O domains.

A few questions:

Is this known to work?

Should I use xen 2.0x or xen 3.x to start with. Which has better support for multiple I/O domains?
Is there a cookbook someplace for doing this? A quick search didn't 
reveal anything. A few people have already given us some hints, but the 
information is a little too sparse.
Finally, are there some requirements that aren't obvious? For instance, 
I've got a machine with with one disk and one nic. Is that sufficient, 
or do I need additional interfaces? I'd like to be able to have just two 
domains, one controlling the nic, the other disk. Is this possible? It 
seems like dom0 must be the driver domain for its own boot device.
Rob Gardner

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