Re: [Xen-devel] Pinning L1 page table with wrpt
Keir Fraser wrote:
> On 15 Aug 2005, at 09:29, Jacob Gorm Hansen wrote:
>> it seems I no longer need to pin l1 pages when running with writable
>> page tables in xen-unstable -- e.g. I can now pin a l2 table without
>> having pinned its l1 descendants first, without Xen complaining. Do I
>> understand things correctly?
> Yes you do.
And then Xen will pin them for me recursively, or they will not be
pinned at all but just checked against having writable references? I
seem to have a problem when combining writable pagetables and the
traditional pinned ones in the same domain. The pagetables I inherit
from the domain builder need to be unpinned before I can use the pages
they reference for my own page tables, or I get complaints about trying
to create a writable linear p.t.
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