RE: [Xen-devel] debugging xfrd with breakpoints?
> i'd really like to trace through xc_linux_save() in xfrd (to
> gain insight into how you transfer pages into dom0), but when
> it's under control of gdb
> *and* there's a breakpoint set in xc_linux_save, the domain
> save fails (most of the time):
> jake % /usr/sbin/xm save ttylinux yyy
> Error: errors: save failed
You're probably triggering a timeout in the parent process.
> and by "most of the time" i mean i've seen it work a few
> times, but it usually fails. without the breakpoint, xfrd can
> be under gdb and the save succeedes.
> is this approach even supported? i'd prefer to use a debugger
> to step through the code; printfs are SO crude ;).
> if you need trace or log output, just let me know.
> thanks in advance,
> -A.
> --
> Aaron Marks
> Distributed Systems Lab
> University of Pennsylvania
> www.cis.upenn.edu/~ajmarks
> "Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis
> for a system of government."
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