Am Donnerstag, den 30.06.2005, 15:08 -0700 schrieb jessie smart:
> is there a way to determine which version of xen is installed on a
> given machine. I recently installed Fedora Core 4 (FC4) and the
> bulit-in xen. i was hoping there would be like "xm ver" or something
> simmilar but i cant seem to find it.
> all I seem to be able to find is redhat's docs that say they are
> following the -unstable version. i have also seen that their SRPM
> says xen-2-20050530.src.rpm. but i can not seem to corelate this to
> anything but a date.......
> could you tell me what verson is the release shipped with FC4. the
> kernels i am using are the ones from the rpms on fedora site..
Get that SRPM, install it, untar the included xen-unstable-src, look
into "ChangeLog", and see ... it's xen-unstable from 2005/04/25, latest
ChangeSet 1.1377, 2005-04-23! That's why you canot mix FC4's xen with
any recent testing/unstable xen :(
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