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[Xen-devel] Balloon driver tests

To: xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Xen-devel] Balloon driver tests
From: Paul Larson <plars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 16:22:43 -0500
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Here's a small set of tests I've written for the balloon driver. I'm sure there's more that could be tested, but it's a start. Can/should these go in the tests directory?
Here's a brief description of each and a tarball since it would be 
cumbersome to send them all inline:
balloon01: Test read from /proc/xen/balloon
balloon02: Echo a number higher than current requested allocation to /proc/xen/balloon, cat balloon and see that requested target changed. balloon03: Echo a number lower than current requested allocation to /proc/xen/balloon, cat balloon and see that requested target changed. balloon04: Allocate some memory for the domain, then use /proc/xen/balloon to reduce available memory to less than what is allocated balloon05: Try to give /proc/xen/balloon a value larger than the available RAM in the system.
balloon06: Try to give /proc/xen/balloon a value way too low, such as 4k
balloon07: Open /proc/xen/balloon as non-root user, expect -EACCES
balloon08: Write 1 byte to /proc/xen/balloon, expect -EBADMSG
balloon09: Write >64 bytes to /proc/xen/balloon, expect -EFBIG

Paul Larson

Attachment: balloon.tgz
Description: application/compressed

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