[Xen-devel] Xen & Transmeta (from xen-users)
With suggestions from Ian and previous posts on this list, I've been
investigating why Xen causes a Transmeta-based system to reboot immediately..
I've added instrumentation to xen/arch/x86/boot/x86_32.S (a
collection of '.asciz "foo"' statements) hoping to locate a point of
failure.. and it dies sometime before this code is run..
At what point does Xen take over from the "normal" linux kernel?
I guess my approach at this point is to start 'at the begining', and try
to trace where things get run in bringing up the Xen kernel.. it's clear
it's before any C code is run, and seems to be before a good deal of this
assembler is run, too..
Any suggestions/ideas on how to track this down?
- --
"There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary
and those that don't."
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