RE: [Xen-devel] Xen repository
> On Sat, 21 May 2005, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > We're currently investigating alternatives to BK for the
> public repos
> > and should have an alternative up and running in a couple of weeks.
> Git?
> I am not sure I can recommend Arch any more after my
> experience with it as the linuxbios repo.
That's useful information, thanks.
cogito (the renamed git) looks pretty 'raw' at the moment. I did of
playing around with mercurial last night and was impressed with how much
functionality it has in just 2k lines of python.
One option is to just have a public CVS repo, and then everyone can use
whatever SCM tool they prefer as pretty much everything has an 'import
from CVS' feature. The only dowsnide to this is CVS's inability to
represent the current branch structure.
BK's algorithm for slecting the main branch is very 'odd' indeed, and as
it stands we'd loose a great deal of the revision history. I reckon we
could do a much better job of linearizing the history (possibly with a
bit of manual intervention). Can anyone think of a way of getting
bitkeeper to output the revision DAG in a parseable form? Having this
would also make it possible to keep the branch structure while
transfering to a tool like mercurial or cogito.
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