[Xen-devel] Interim Xen Wiki [was: domU Filesystems]
On Fri, Mar 25, 2005 at 03:35:47PM -0600, Anthony Liguori wrote:
> Here are the mechanisms I know and their requirements. I plan to put
> this in the Wiki as soon as it goes live (if it's not already there):
Last "Real Soon Now" I saw was back ont he 10th, and that was an
important reason I didn't do this sooner. As of ten minutes ago, a
nearly empty Interim Xen Wiki is up and running at
Access to create or edit pages requires a trivial registration at
This is mostly to discourage wiki spam, though I won't be at all
unhappy if the official wiki gets setup so quickly that the spammers
won't have time to annoy us. OTOH, I don't see any reason this wiki
couldn't stay live for as long as it takes, though there might be some
disruption when the hardware has to get shuffled. If you register with
a working email address - no, of course it isn't actually checked - you
can subscribe to get notices when some (or all) pages get updated.
FWIW, I spent more time borrowing the logo and hacking up a minimal Xen
page with a link to the project and so forth than on the actual wiki
setup. Granted, this wasn't the first time I've setup a wiki with Moin
on this box.
I didn't write a whole, free operating system, either. I wrote some pieces
and invited other people to join me by writing other pieces. So I set an
example. I said, "I'm going in this direction. Join me and we'll get
there." And enough people joined in that we got there. -- R M Stallman
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