Re: [Xen-devel] freebsd sparse tree for -unstable
> Couple of (probably dumb) questions:
Not dumb.
> Is domain0 possible yet?
No. Unfortunately, It is a very low priority for those who have
provided me with the time to do the work, and I haven't much free time
as I still need to finish SMP and do a whole bunch of niggly little
infrastructure bits which probably aren't of interest to other users
of xen. Thus, even my free time is back-logged. I'm hoping someone
else will chip in with some of the work.
> Are there any plans to bring xen support into the main source tree
> (sorry if it's already there, I run RELENG_5)?
I was going to commit it a couple of months ago when a really annoying
bug cropped up (since fixed). I simply haven't gotten back to it.
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