Re: [Xen-devel] Xen hosting provider
while we're at this subject, I tell you, that we're happily selling Xen
VPSes too for something like month and a half now. We're selling them
only in Bulgaria, so for now I have only 4 VPS clients, which is OK, as
our primary business is shared hosting, but VPS clients seems to be
happy at least they should be, we had no network or server downtime for
this time ;) Just wanted to tell you that everything works for me and is
very stable, having in mind that in addition to the clients, I have 2
more VPSes for internal use and one of them hosts quite loaded web-based
strategy game, which generates ~1million quite complex dynamic
(php/mysql, mysql is executing 800queries/sec on average, many more in
peak hours) pages. I'm using xen 2.0.4 and for now do not have any plans
to upgrade when xen 2.0.5 is out.
Sorry for taking your time but as I read this maillist, I read only
about problems, just wanted to tell you, that there are people who do
not have any and are very happy with xen (after trying UML with it's
terrible performance).
Anton Titov
Matt Ayres wrote:
TekTonic has started up a provider hosting virtual machines based off
of Xen as a service on www.unixshell.com <http://www.unixshell.com>.
I'm just mentioning this as a heads up, not meant to advertise :)
So far all the users are loving it and except for some minor issues
related to Xen everything has performed very well and has been
stable. Good job guys!
(And yes, I did try contacting XenSource regarding giving some money
back in the form of a support contract but didn't get a response.
*sigh* .. at least I tried).
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