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[Xen-devel] Re: config diff

On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 01:10:12AM -0000, Ian Pratt wrote:
> That's a huge diff.
> HIGHMEM4G has not been widely tested, but I doubt that's the problem.
> Some of the debug stuff you have enabled will hurt performance, but
> isn't the cause of your interrupt storm.

Now that I know that HIGHMEM is not required, except it I have a domX
over 1Gb, I'll turn it off.

> Are the usb modules actually loaded? We've suspicions in this area.

I was using usb for loading data via usbstorage. I can probably remove

By default hotplug runs this is the basic module list.
nic@stateless:/usr/src/xen/xen-2.0.bk$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ohci_hcd               17288  0
usbcore               107512  2 ohci_hcd
ipt_state               1664  12
ip_conntrack           41364  1 ipt_state
iptable_filter          3200  1
dummy                   2308  0
ip_tables              17024  2 ipt_state,iptable_filter
rtc                    13240  0

Without hotplug running its:

nic@stateless:/usr/src/xen/xen-2.0.bk$ lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ipt_state               1664  12
ip_conntrack           41364  1 ipt_state
iptable_filter          3200  1
dummy                   2308  0
ip_tables              17024  2 ipt_state,iptable_filter
rtc                    13240  0

Even with hotplug stopped, still get the same level of intrs.

> Do you get the same interrupt storm problems using one of our configs
> with just the appropriate stuff enabled for your scsi?

That was the next plan.

> (no reason not to keep this on list)

No, I figured it was better not to post the config.diff to the list.


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