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Re: [Xen-devel] status of dom0 USB and USB virtualisation (was: XEN CD -

Replying to my own post... ;-)

> Do you mean that this USB CDROM drive is actually integrated into the blade
> enclosure?  How is it shared among blades? 

It looks to me like it's presented to the blades as a USB device that goes 
away when it's assigned to another blade.  Cute!

USB virtualisation would allow you to do exactly the same thing for virtual 
servers in a blade as you do for blades in an enclosure - neat.  I see where 
you're coming from now.


> > Or is it just that the standard  
> means of installing software is to plug in a USB CDROM (that's what we used
> to do on our blades).
> > We have some testing on our roadmap, but given the sheer
> > range of USB devices and issues related to them, it will
> > be a matter of having people test their own hw.
> Yes, that's my feeling also.  I think that the additional emulation of
> control-plane stuff required to support the "problem" devices will be
> common to most (all?) troublesome devices.
> > To that
> > end, it will help to have some code in the tree for
> > people to play around with earlier rather than later,
> > because it will help stabilize the code to get a larger
> > group of people testing it..
> I agree.
> > > Bottom line: people who want to play with USB virtualisation should be
> > > able to do so successfully but should bear in mind it's experimental.
> >
> > So I did like Ian's idea of putting whatever's working, no
> > matter how minimal (with a LOT of caveats and warnings),
> > into the tree. You and Harry are the best judge of when it's
> > ready to go in, of course, but I would appreciate an early
> > push :)..
> I'd certainly be in favour of pushing support into the tree as soon as
> something's working reliably for us.  I'd like to support the "awkward"
> devices later on.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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