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[Xen-devel] RAMDISK: Image too big

To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Xen-devel] RAMDISK: Image too big
From: Marcus Hardt <marcus.hardt@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 17:06:13 +0100
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I'm trying xen-2.0.4 on a scientific-linux-3.0.4 dual PIII --

I installed from the tarball 'xen-2.0.4-install.tgz'

The 2.4.29-xen0 kernel reboots after scrubbing some ram (sorry, I forgot
which one). Last line I see is:

 Serial Input -> DOM0 (type 'Ctrl-a' three times to switch input to Xen)

which does not change anything, if I press Ctrl-a however often.

The 2.6.10-xen0 kernel makes it a bit further. hda is recognized, but
unfortunately the root fs cannot be mounted. The last Lines here are:

RAMDISK: Image too big1     (some size info skipped)
panic: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(1,0)

I really don't care if I use 2.4 or 2.6, but one of both should work.

Help greatly appreciated.


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